Before beginning:
- Humble yourself before Allah
- Make Du’aa at the times when your du’aa is accepted, like the time between the adhaan and the iqaamah, the last third of the night, between ‘Asr and Maghrib on a Friday (because the Prophet – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – said, “Indeed on the day of Jumu’ah there is a period of time, no believing servant encounters it, asking Allah for the good of this world and the next, except that he is given it.”, and so on. {See:}
You need to have the following things ready:
Water {I estimate you’ll need 5-6 litres per person approximately} – ideally Zam Zam, because of the hadeeth “A food that satisfies and a cure from sickness”, and the hadeeth “The water of Zam Zam is for whatever it is drunk for.” If Zam Zam is not available, then rain water should be collected, because Allah said, “And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest” [50:9], and because the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to uncover part of his garment when it rained, and he would say, “It has just come from its Lord.” [Muslim] If rain water is not available, then regular water is fine, but effort should be made to obtain rain water where Zam Zam is not available.
Olive Oil {One whole bottle per person should be enough} – {this should be organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil – in other words, it should be greenish in colour, not yellow like vegetable oil. I recommend organic Palestinian extra virgin olive oil, if you can get it}. This is because Allah describes it as “lit from [the oil of] a blessed tree – the olive” [24:35], and the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Eat olive oil and oil yourselves with it, for it is from a blessed tree.” [at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah – Authentic].
Honey {this should be raw & organic, and of good quality…not supermarket junk! You can get sidr honey, also Manuka honey is well spoken of}. Allah said, “There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.” [16:69] and the Messenger of Allah (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, There is a cure in three substances, a drink of honey…” [al-Bukhari]. The shaykh emphasised that a lot of people make a mistake in that they do not drink the honey, but they eat it, and the hadeeth is clear that the cure is in drinking it diluted in water.
Black Seeds {again this should be organic – the scientific name is Nigella Sativa}. This is because the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “It is a cure from every illness” [Bukhari and Muslim].
At the beginning of the week, you need to do the following:
- Sit down with the water and olive oil open in front of you. Read the following:
(a) al-Faatihah – seven times is best, or three if you wish
(b) al-Baqarah – once all the way through
(c) The last three surahs of the Qur’an – three times each
(d) Aayat-ul-Kursi [2:255] – seven times is best, or three if you wish
If you are unable to read al-Baqarah, then read whatever is easy for you, or ask someone to read for you if you struggle to read the Qur’an.
2. Blow {as though you are spitting but without spittle}, either at the end of each surah, or after each aayah, or whenever it is easy for you, into the water and the olive oil {You can use smaller bottles and blow in each from time to time, or in all of them after each aayah or each surah, it’s up to you. Perhaps it would be even more beneficial to read 2 litres at a time during the week, to get the most out of the reading}. When you have completed all of the reading, you are now prepared to begin the programme.
How to use:
- Take two tablespoons of honey and dissolve them in a cup of the water that you have read upon. Add seven seeds of black seed and drink. Do this three times per day.
- Before sleep, anoint the entire body from head to foot with the olive oil that has been read upon.
- Upon waking, wash the entire body with water and soap. Then, take half a cup of the water that has been read upon and add it to a bucket or other container. Fill up the bucket with water from the tap and wash the entire body.
***Continue this for three whole days*** On day 4-7:
- Use olive oil that has been read upon to anoint any areas where pain is found, if any.
- Take two tablespoons of honey and dissolve them in a cup of the water that you have read upon. Add seven seeds of black seed and drink. Do this three times per day.
What to Expect:
- On the first day, you will most likely not feel anything.
- On the second and third day, you may feel very ill. You may feel excessive tiredness, pain all over the body, or in certain places, or aches and pains as though you carried out strenuous exercise.
- By the fourth day, you may feel completely refreshed, as though you have a lot of energy – with the permission of Allah.
- The aches and pains will gradually go away, in shaa’ Allah, over the course of the 7 days.
Morning | Evening | Night | |
Day 1 | See above for first 7 days of treatment | ||
Day 2 | |||
Day 3 | |||
Day 4 | |||
Day 5 | |||
Day 6 | |||
Day 7 | |||
Day 8 | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Ruqya Bath + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas |
Day 9 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and Spittle in water and drink + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas | |
Day 10 | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle in water and drink + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas |
Day 11 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Ruqya Bath + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas | |
Day 12 | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and Spittle in water and drink + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas |
Day 13 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and Spittle in water and drink + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas | |
Day 14 | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Ruqya Bath + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas |
Day 15 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | |
Day 16 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | |
Day 17 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | |
Day 18 | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Ruqya Bath + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas |
Day 19 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and Spittle in water and drink + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas | |
Day 20 | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle in water and drink + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas |
Day 21 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Ruqya Bath + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas | |
Day 22 | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and Spittle in water and drink + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas |
Day 23 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and Spittle in water and drink + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas | |
Day 24 | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | Recite Ruqya Ayaat and spittle into water and drink + Ruqya Bath + Ruqya Oil On Affected Areas |
Day 25 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | |
Day 26 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio | |
Day 27 | Listen to Ruqya Audio + Tablespoon Honey mixed with Blackseed Oil | Listen to Ruqya Audio |
Key to table above:
Ruqya Ayaat – These are attached in the PDF – print them out and recite from the PDF as instructed – after each sura, spittle into some water as instructed above and drink water and use some of this water to wash your face with – similar to when you wash your face in wudhu – you can download them here: Download
For those who can only read Indo-Pak style script – click below to download the ayaat Download
Ruqya Audio – Listen to this via headphones – here is the link for this –
Honey mixed with blackseed oil – This is made by adding “ruqyah water” to a glass, then adding a spoon of honey and a small pinch of black seeds, or a small teaspoon of blackseed oil.
Ruqya Oil – This is olive oil that you spittle into the same way as the water
Ruqya Bath – Recite over water (can be a 1 litre bottle) – fill the bath up with normal tap water and add the water that you have recited on to this water. Throw some lote tree leaves (if available) into the bath. Relax in this water for approx 20 minutes
Some videos to increase knowledge on the subject:
What is Ruqya –
Self-Ruqya –
Spotting a conman or a magician –
Amulets –
In conclusion: When afflicted, it is vital that we have a “Treatment Plan” in place – but remember that all cure is from Allah. We are merely seeking the means to a cure from Allah.
1) Pray your 5 daily prayers on time – if you cannot be bothered to pray then do not expect shifa to come down
2) Make your daily adhkar especially at fajr and maghrib times
3) Fast on Mondays and Thursdays
4) Eat 7 ajwa dates every morning
5) Have cupping (hijama) once a month – on the top of your shoulders, head and any areas that are affected – you should be able to find a cupping therapist local to you online
6) Make a lot of duaa that Allah cures you
7) Give money in charity seeking to come closer to Allah thereby
8) Place your full trust in Allah and not in any of the creation
9) No taweez / amulets – destroy these if you have them and repent to Allah
10) No pictures on display in your home e.g. photo frames, paintings etc
11) No music or movies
12) If you are experiencing movements in your stomach when reciting or listening to the recitation – then buy some senna leaves and make tea with them – drink this tea 3 times a day for 3 days with the intention of flushing your system of any sihr by the permission of Allah
13) If possible, drink a lot of zam zam water and make duaa before you drink it
14) Leave any sin that may stop the shifa from coming down
Insha’Allah, if you do all of the above, placing your trust solely in Allah, seeking His bounty and a cure, then you will be cured. But it is a slow and difficult process. If you are suffering, then you will get worse before you get better. You must be patient. You must persevere. Do not give up. Ultimately, place your full trust in Allah (swt) and know that everything is from Allah and nothing can harm or benefit you without the permission of Allah.
Once you complete this plan, restart this plan. Remember, this is not a like a prescription given by a doctor. The shifa is from Allah alone – therefore restart the plan when you’ve finished it and be patient until Allah sends the cure. Remember, you are reciting Qur’an and even if you don’t feel better immediately, you are getting TEN good deeds per letter of the Qur’an that you recite!

Ustad Abu Ibraheem Hussnayn has recently completed and published a new book. In it, he expounds on a variety of important issues - ranging from creed to the good treatment of parents and more. The book is available with worldwide delivery.